Wednesday, March 11

back to the plain and simple

well i guess complexity was never my thing,
its been a long time since i blogged! ughh

something which i love to do and yet still find the time and excuses not to haha!
perhaps i just have too much time on my hands before i enter army lol.
i wonder what i'll get though =/ it just seems a little interesting i guess..
ever thought of it this way?

when the time comes for you to be assigned to something.
will you just be another one of the common or would you be different?
army, navy, civil, airforce, commando, ndu. hmmm
more or less interesting to see where i end up.


Anonymous said...

hahaha. GU NIANG! you blogged. like after 100000 years later. shave your hairs. tadah! it will be gone gone gone!!!

Anonymous said...

lol. u are officially know as GUNIANG. seems like everyone calls u that. HAHAHAH!