Wednesday, January 23

off i go then

well, i guess its not too long now before i say goodbye for awhile! ahha, at first it started off with a call which i was reluctant to answer. the person on the other line was none other than the one who saved me from this life of misery and sadness. He asked me to go, i asked: "where?" He replied: "China". i thought why? why of all places China when i couldnt even speak the language well and with all that completely unaware of what to do or say but a soft at first reluctant reply, "yes,i will go" there were interviews upon interviews, forms upon forms before where i stand and am today. yes i'm going to china, shanghai to be exact to work.

at first, it was oh wow! its gonna be fun, till they told me sorry no accomadations, no food, nothing and oh you have to process your Visa, your Exit Permit, Your Air Tickets and of course please pack your baggage for below 20kg =). Yes its not too bad, im still Smiling, why? u might ask when i can be in singapore, which i've been offered a place here for 6 months. well i guess thats obedience, no matter what happens i'm not giving up because He never gave up on me.

well enough of the "oh So Sad" sorta feeling! hahah, its gonna be fun =D. things are going to be done independantly and so on and so forth, but yes ill miss all of you guys dearly haha. And oh, from what i know ill be leaving near end Feb. and just Aik Leng said, same here those words "from where i stand right now, thats not long from now". well thats the same meaning but not necessarily the same words hahah =D

i actually wanted to keep to the last minute, as hush as possible but somehow i jsut couldn't ya know? i dont know. to think that i'd be away for this period of time just left me kinda uneasy inside abit, so viola here it is. all better ha.

I'm gonna miss you guys and the times we've spent together....i really am

Tuesday, January 15


well yea! i know its been a long long time. well sorry folks for the absence lols! especially for those who mentioned to me about it last sat =P ha!

haha, I've been quite busy this whole time i guess and i really couldn't find the time to blog. haha Opportunity Cost =D, well that is the Benefit must outweigh the cost of doing this activity ha! so today is finally that day so viola!

it kinda seems like theres still a short period of time before i disappear for quite abit. haha, i dont wanna say anything else until its confirmed ha. for those who know what im talking about yea... thanks for the warm regards and dinners and stuff =) really appreciate it. thank you guys =D haha.

at least i wont be alone when im away from home lols! =D
the time is pretty hard to bear, but i guess its a golden opportunity for me to straighten out what i want as well as whether to write the final chapter for one of the stories in my life. i've been dragging it a little too long, even when it seems bleak but somehow theres that something that keeps me holding on.

well till next time! when the benefit outweighs the cost of my time! haha